Percentage of primary schools with toilets
Share of public primary schools with a pit latrine, an improved pit latrine, a flush toilet, a pour-flush toilet or a composting toilet. Data available for African countries only.
All our related research and data
- Actual teaching time vs. time teachers are present
- Average OECD non-tertiary education expenditure by source of funding
- Average learning outcomes by total education expenditure per capita
- Average learning outcomes vs. GDP per capita
- Average reading performance in PISA and average spending per student
- Average score for 4th graders on the TIMSS science assessment
- Average score for 8th graders on the TIMSS mathematics assessment of boys vs. girls
- Average test score in mathematics and science
- Average test score in mathematics and science vs. GDP per capita
- Average years of schooling
- Average years of schooling for men
- Average years of schooling for women
- Child mortality vs. women's average years of schooling
- Children in school: administrative vs. household survey data
- Children out of school
- Cumulative drop-out rate to the last grade of lower secondary general education
- Duration of compulsory education
- Electoral democracy today vs. past average years of schooling
- Existence of nationally representative learning assessment at the end of primary education
- Existence of nationally representative learning assessment in grades 2 or 3 of primary education
- Expected years of schooling
- Gender ratio for average years of schooling
- Girls of primary school age who are out-of-school, by world region
- Gross enrollment ratio in primary education
- Gross enrollment ratio in secondary education
- LLECE: Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 6th grade students
- Learning outcomes, minimum vs. advanced achievement
- Literate and illiterate world population
- National average learning outcomesAltinok, Angrist, Patrinos (2018)
- National average learning outcomes vs. government expenditure per primary student
- National average learning outcomes vs. government expenditure per student
- Net attendance rate of primary school
- Number of adults with no education by region
- Official entrance age to compulsory education
- PASEC: Mean performance on the French language scale for 5th grade students
- PIAAC: Mean adult numeracy proficiency
- PIRLS reading assessment: Average score for fourth graders
- PISA education test scores by the OECD
- PISA score of the best and worst student by country
- PISA scores of 15-year-olds by reading proficiency level
- PISA test score: Mean performance on the mathematics scale
- PISA test score: Mean performance on the reading scale
- PISA test score: Mean performance on the science scale
- PISA: Mean performance on the mathematics scale, by sex
- PISA: Mean performance on the reading scale, by sex
- Participation time in study per day
- Population aged 15+ by highest level of education achieved
- Primary, and secondary education enrollment & completion rates
- Primary, secondary and tertiary education enrollment & completion rates
- Primary-school-age children who are out of school by world region
- Proportion of children aged 3-5 years who are developmentally on track
- Public education expenditure as share of GDP
- Public spending on education as a share of GDP
- SABER rating of education policies aimed at improving school accountability
- SACMEQ: Mean performance on the 6th grade mathematics scale
- Scheduled teaching time that teachers are in the classroom
- Share of population, 15 years and older, with no education
- Share of students achieving advanced learning outcomes
- Share of students achieving intermediate learning outcomes
- Share of students achieving minimum learning outcomes
- Share of students achieving no or minimum learning outcomes by government expenditure per student
- Share of students achieving no or minimum learning outcomes vs. education spending per capita
- Share of students at end of lower secondary education achieving minimum math proficiency
- Share of students at end of lower secondary education with minimum reading proficiency
- Share of students at end of primary education achieving minimum math proficiency
- Share of students at end of primary education achieving minimum reading proficiency
- Share of students in early primary education achieving minimum math proficiency
- Share of students in early primary education achieving minimum reading proficiency
- Share of students in top PISA mathematics score level, male vs. female
- Share of the population with a completed post-secondary education
- Share of the population with at least some secondary education
- Share of the population with no formal education, projections by IIASA
- Share of the population with secondary education, but no tertiary education
- Share of the world's population with formal basic education
- Share of top-performing students
- The share of children in primary school age who are in school
- Time spent in study per day