Primary-school-age children who are out of school by world region
Children in the official primary school age range who are not enrolled in either primary or secondary schools.
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All our related research and data
- Access to basic education: Almost 60 million children of primary school age are not in school
- Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning
- How many children are not in school?
- Attendance vs. enrollment rates, primary education
- Completion rate of lower secondary education
- Completion rate of primary education
- Cumulative drop-out rate to the last grade of lower secondary general education
- Existence of nationally representative learning assessment in grades 2 or 3 of primary education
- Girls of primary school age who are out-of-school, by world region
- Government expenditure on primary education by country
- Gross enrollment ratio in primary education
- Gross enrollment ratio in secondary education
- Gross enrollment ratio, primary, gender parity index (GPI)
- Gross enrollment ratio, secondary education, gender parity index (GPI)
- Gross vs. net enrollment rate in primary education
- Lower secondary completion rate, adjusted gender parity index
- MDG2.A: Net enrollment rate in primary education
- Net enrollment rate, primary, gender parity index (GPI)
- Net enrollment rate, secondary, gender parity index (GPI)
- Official entrance age to compulsory education
- Percentage of primary schools with access to potable water
- Percentage of primary schools with toilets
- Percentage of teachers in lower secondary education who are qualified
- Percentage of teachers in secondary education who are qualified
- Percentage of teachers in upper secondary education who are qualified
- Primary completion rate
- Primary completion rateBy gender
- Primary completion rate, adjusted gender parity index
- Primary completion rate, gender parity index (GPI)
- Primary schooling: Adjusted net attendance rate
- School life expectancy, primary, gender parity index (GPI)
- Share enrolled in private institutions at the primary education level
- Share of primary-school-age children who are out of school
- Share of students at end of lower secondary education achieving minimum math proficiency
- Share of students at end of lower secondary education with minimum reading proficiency
- Share of students at end of primary education achieving minimum math proficiency
- Share of students at end of primary education achieving minimum reading proficiency
- Share of students in early primary education achieving minimum math proficiency
- Share of students in early primary education achieving minimum reading proficiency
- Share of the population with at least some secondary education
- Total net enrollment rate in primary education
- Total net enrollment rate in primary education by sex
- Total net enrollment rate, primary, gender parity index (GPI)
- Upper secondary completion rate, adjusted gender parity index