Electoral democracy today vs. past average years of schooling

Electoral democracy based on the expert assessments and index by V-Dem, ranging from 0 to 1 (most democratic). Average number of years population aged 15-64participated in formal education.

Mean years of schooling in 19700 years2 years4 years6 years8 years10 yearsElectoraldemocracyChinaChinaIndiaIndiaUnited StatesUnited StatesIndonesiaIndonesiaRussiaRussiaJapanJapanPhilippinesPhilippinesIranIranGermanyGermanyItalyItalySudanSudanCanadaCanadaYemenYemenHaitiHaitiAfricaAsiaEuropeNorth AmericaOceaniaSouth America1.4B1.4B600M600MDots sized byPopulation

Source: OWID based on V-Dem (v13); Lee and Lee (2016)

Note: Formal education is primary/ISCED 1 or higher. This does not include years spent repeating grades.