Children per woman vs. GDP per capita
Fertility rate, measured as the average number of births per woman versus gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, adjusted for differences in the cost of livingbetween countries, and for inflation.
All our related research and data
- Average age at marriage, women
- Average childbearing age
- Average number of children vs. child mortality
- Birth rateMitchell
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- Births per year, by world region
- Change in children per woman and female labor force participation
- Children per woman and number of children wanted
- Children per woman vs. Human Development Index
- Children per woman vs. average years of schooling
- Children per woman vs. contraceptive prevalence
- Children per woman vs. number of children wanted
- Children per woman vs. share living in extreme poverty
- Children per woman vs. share of 25-to-29-year-old women with no education
- Children per women vs. unmet need for contraception
- Countries where women have fewer children than in the USUN
- Female labor force participation rates by national per capita income
- Fertility rate: children per womanGapminder
- Fertility rate: children per womanWorld Bank
- Fertility rate: children per womanSlope chart
- Fertility rate: children per womanwith UN projections
- Fertility rate: children per womanUN
- Fertility rate: children per woman over the long-term
- Maternal mortality ratio vs. children per woman
- Modern contraceptive prevalence vs. GDP per capita
- Prevalence of modern contraception methods vs. women's average years of schooling
- Projections of the number of children per woman by education scenario
- Share of births registered
- Share of women using modern contraceptive methods
- Share of women whose family planning needs are met
- Unmet need for contraception among married women of reproductive age
- Women's educational attainment vs. number of children per woman