Births per year, by world region
Number of births over a given period. Refers to live births for annual civil calendar years from 1 January to 31 December.
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- Fertility Rate
- How many people die and how many are born each year?
- If we can make maternal deaths as rare as they are in the healthiest countries we can save almost 300,000 mothers each year
- Maternal Mortality
- Average age at marriage, women
- Average childbearing age
- Average number of children vs. child mortality
- Birth rateMitchell
- Birth rateUN
- Change in children per woman and female labor force participation
- Children per woman and number of children wanted
- Children per woman vs. GDP per capita
- Children per woman vs. Human Development Index
- Children per woman vs. average years of schooling
- Children per woman vs. contraceptive prevalence
- Children per woman vs. number of children wanted
- Children per woman vs. share living in extreme poverty
- Children per woman vs. share of 25-to-29-year-old women with no education
- Children per women vs. unmet need for contraception
- Countries where women have fewer children than in the USUN
- Female labor force participation rates by national per capita income
- Fertility rate: children per womanGapminder
- Fertility rate: children per womanWorld Bank
- Fertility rate: children per womanSlope chart
- Fertility rate: children per womanwith UN projections
- Fertility rate: children per womanUN
- Fertility rate: children per woman over the long-term
- Maternal mortality ratio vs. children per woman
- Modern contraceptive prevalence vs. GDP per capita
- Prevalence of modern contraception methods vs. women's average years of schooling
- Projections of the number of children per woman by education scenario
- Share of births registered
- Share of women using modern contraceptive methods
- Share of women whose family planning needs are met
- Unmet need for contraception among married women of reproductive age
- Women's educational attainment vs. number of children per woman