Parameters in notable artificial intelligence systems

Parameters are variables in an AI system whose values are adjusted during training to establish how input data gets transformed into the desired output; for example,the connection weights in an artificial neural network.

Publication dateJul 2, 1950Apr 19, 1965Dec 27, 1978Sep 4, 1992May 14, 2006Jan 21, 2020NumberofparametersTheseusTheseusSelf Organizing SystemSelf Organizing SystemNeocognitronNeocognitronBack-propagationBack-propagationGroupLensGroupLensDecision tree (classification)Decision tree (classification)AlexNetAlexNetInceptionv4Inceptionv4M6-TM6-TTask domainDrawingDrivingGamesLanguageMultimodalOtherRecommendationRoboticsSearchSpeechVideoVisionOther
Jul 2, 1950
Jun 20, 2023