Datapoints used to train notable artificial intelligence systems

Each domain has a specific data point unit; for example, for vision it is images, for language it is words, and for games it is timesteps. This means systems can only becompared directly within the same domain.

Publication dateJul 2, 1950Apr 19, 1965Dec 27, 1978Sep 4, 1992May 14, 2006Jan 21, 2020Trainingdatapoints100,00010 billionTheseusTheseusSelf Organizing SystemSelf Organizing SystemNeocognitronNeocognitronBack-propagationBack-propagationTD-GammonTD-GammonUC Davis, CornellUC Davis, CornellLeNet-5LeNet-5NPLMNPLMDrLIMDrLIMBellKor 2009BellKor 2009Domain AdaptationDomain AdaptationBPEBPEGPTGPTM6-TM6-TTask domainDrawingDrivingGamesLanguageMultimodalOtherRecommendationSpeechVisionOther
Jul 2, 1950
May 10, 2023