When were countries certified free of guinea worm disease?
To be certified as free of guinea worm disease, a country must have reported zero indigenous cases through active surveillance for at least three consecutive years.
All our related research and data
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- Malaria deaths by world regionIHME
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- Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis without extensive drug resistance
- Number of new cases of HIV
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- Prevalence, new cases and deaths from HIV/AIDS
- Progress towards guinea worm disease eradication
- Reported cases of guinea worm disease
- Reported number of smallpox infections by world region
- Smallpox deaths as a share of all deaths in London
- Smallpox: path to eradication
- The number of deaths due to tuberculosis by WHO and IHME data
- The number of deaths from rabies by world region
- The number of deaths from tuberculosis by world region
- The number of infections from eradicable diseases
- Tuberculosis: extensively drug resistant cases
- Year of the last reported rinderpest case