Deaths from infections of currently non-eradicable diseases, World
While the world is making progress in reducing the number of deaths from these diseases, we do not have effective enough means against them like we do against polioor Guinea worm. However, the type of rabies transmitted by dogs is hoped to be eliminated soon.
All our related research and data
- HIV/AIDS deaths by world region
- Historical trends across infectious diseases
- Incidence of malariaIHME
- Incidence, prevalence and death of rabies
- Malaria deaths by ageIHME
- Malaria deaths by world regionIHME
- Malaria deaths by world regionWHO
- Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis without extensive drug resistance
- Number of new cases of HIV
- Paralytic polio: estimated cases by world region
- Prevalence, new cases and deaths from HIV/AIDS
- Progress towards guinea worm disease eradication
- Reported cases of guinea worm disease
- Reported number of smallpox infections by world region
- Smallpox deaths as a share of all deaths in London
- Smallpox: path to eradication
- The number of deaths due to tuberculosis by WHO and IHME data
- The number of deaths from rabies by world region
- The number of deaths from tuberculosis by world region
- The number of infections from eradicable diseases
- Tuberculosis: extensively drug resistant cases
- When were countries certified free of guinea worm disease?
- Year of the last reported rinderpest case