Weekly hours dedicated to home production in US, by gender
Weekly hours worked for the population older than 14 years. Home production includes: planning, purchasing goods and services, care of children and adults (in andoutside the household), general cleaning, care and repair of the house and grounds (including yard work, but excluding gardening), preparing and clearing food, making,mending, and laundering of clothing and other household textiles.
All our related research and data
- Annual working hours per worker
- Annual working hours per worker, various sources
- Annual working hours vs. GDP per capitaPenn World Table
- Annual working hours vs. labor productivity
- Average daily hours of work in summer, by industry
- Average daily hours of work in winter, by industry
- Average daily hours of work, by occupation, United States
- Average daily hours worked, by industry, United States
- Average daily work hours, by industry
- Average effective age of retirement for women
- Average hours of work per week, by industry
- Average hours worked per person employed
- Days off from work for vacations and holidays
- Hours of work vs. GDP per capita
- Hours spent in market and non-market work per week, by sex, United States
- Participation time in employment per day
- Productivity: output per hour worked
- Time allocation in Finland, by sex
- Time spent in employment per day
- Time spent on activities in an average day
- Time spent on activities in an average day, females
- Time spent on activities in an average day, males
- Time spent on activities on an average day, by sex, Sweden
- Weekly hours worked by age group, United States
- Weekly working hours
- Weekly working hours vs. hourly wage, by wage decilePaid and self-employment
- Weekly working hours vs. hourly wage, by wage decilePaid employment only