People living in urban slum households
A slum household is defined as a group of individuals living under the same roof lacking one or more of the following conditions: access to improved water andsanitation, sufficient living area, housing durability, and security of tenure.
All our related research and data
- Access to electricity, urban vs. rural
- City population
- Do more people live in urban or rural areas?
- Employment in agriculture vs. urban population
- Level of urbanization vs. GNP per capita
- Minimum number of inhabitants for a settlement to classify as an urban area
- Number of countries with a given minimum urban population threshold
- Number of people living in the capital city
- Number of people living in urban and rural areasUN (1960 to 2017)
- Population density
- Population density by city
- Population density vs. GDP per capita
- Population in urban agglomerations of more than 1 million
- Population living in urban and rural areasUN
- Share of people living in urban agglomerations of more than 1 million
- Share of people living in urban areasUN
- Share of people living in urban areasEuropean Commission (2015)
- Share of the population living in urban areas
- Share of the population living in urbanized areas
- Share of the urban population living in slums
- Share of the urban population who live in the largest city
- Transport CO₂ emissions vs. population density of cities
- Urban and rural population projected to 2050Historical sources & UN (with projections)
- Urban and rural populations in the United StatesUS Census Bureau
- Urban area over the long-termHYDE
- Urban land area
- Urban population vs. GDP per capita
- Urban population vs. female labor force participation rate
- Urbanization over the past 500 yearsHistorical sources & UN