Share of the seabed that was trawled at least once

– Bottom trawling is a method used to catch fish and crustaceans near or on the seafloor. It is an efficient way of catching fish, but has negative impacts on the ecologyof the seabed. – Shown is the share of seabed across different regions that experienced at least one trawling pass over a period of two to four years around the year of 2010.

Adriatic Sea79.1%West of Iberia58.7%Skagerrak and Kattegat50%Tyrrhenian43.8%North Sea42.2%Western Baltic Sea30.8%Aegean Sea26.7%Irish Sea25.4%North Benguela Current24.6%West of Scotland19.1%Argentina14.8%South Benguela Current12.2%East Agulhas Current9.4%Southeast Australian Shelf7%New Zealand6.9%East Bering Sea6.5%North California Current5.5%Northeast Australian Shelf4.7%Southwest Australian Shelf2.1%North Australian Shelf1.9%Aleutian Islands1.8%Gulf of Alaska1.4%Northwest Australian Shelf1.3%South Chile0.4%