Share of children with a fever receiving antimalarial drugs, 2021
The share of children under five years old and ill with fever who received any appropriate anti-malarial drugs.
All our related research and data
- Death rate from malariaWHO, GHO data
- Death rate from malariaIHME data
- Death rate from malariaWHO, Global Health Estimates
- Estimated number of deaths from malariaWHO GHO data
- Malaria deaths by ageIHME
- Malaria deaths by ageWHO
- Malaria incidence
- Malaria mortality in children
- Number of child deaths from malaria
- Number of deaths from malariaIHME
- Number of deaths from malariaWHO GHO
- Number of deaths from malariaWHO GHE
- Share of the population with malaria