Share of domestic budget funded by domestic taxes, 2020
Tax revenue refers to compulsory transfers to the central government for public purposes. Compulsory transfers such as fines, penalties, and most social securitycontributions are excluded.
All our related research and data
- Composition of tax revenues
- Government revenues as a share of national income
- Income inequality: Gini coefficient before and after taxWorld Bank (via UN SDG)
- Number of countries having implemented value added taxes
- Reduction in income inequality before and after taxOECD
- Relative weight of two forms of consumption taxation
- Revenue from income taxes in Europe
- Statutory corporate income tax rate
- Tax revenue
- Tax revenue as share of GDP
- Tax revenue vs. GDP per capita
- Tax revenues by source
- Taxation vs. electoral democracy
- Taxes on goods and services
- Taxes on income vs. taxes on goods and services
- Taxes on incomes of individuals and corporations
- Top marginal income tax rate
- Top marginal income tax rates
- Top marginal income tax rates, selected countries
- Total tax revenues
- Two sources of data on tax revenue as share of GDP