Female employment vs. public spending on family benefits, 2015
The horizontal axis shows female employment-to-population ratios. This measures the proportion of a country's female population (15+) that is employed. The verticalaxis shows public spending on family benefits as share of GDP.
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- Average usual weekly hours worked, women 15 years and older
- Change in children per woman and female labor force participation
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- Countries by share of women in parliament
- Countries in which a woman is government's chief executive
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- Countries in which a woman is head of state
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- Days of paid maternity leave
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- Exceptions to the legal age of marriage
- Female employment-to-population ratioNational estimates
- Female employment-to-population ratioModeled estimates
- Female employment-to-population ratio, 2020 vs. 1980
- Female labor force by age
- Female labor force participation rate (15-64)
- Female labor force participation rate vs. GDP per capita
- Female labor force participation ratesOECD & Long
- Female labor force participation ratesOECD & Long
- Female labor force participation ratesILO
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- Gender wage gap vs. GDP per capitaBy continent
- Index of US maternal mortality and female labor force participation (FLFP)
- Labor force participation rates for women ages 15-24, 2020 vs. 1980
- Labor force participation, younger vs. older women
- Law mandates equal remuneration for females and males for work of equal value
- Legal age of marriage for girls
- Legislation addressing domestic violence specifically
- Legislation establishes clear criminal penalties for domestic violence
- Legislation on sexual harassment in employment
- Legislation that specifically addresses sexual harassment
- Male and female surviving spouses have equal rights to inherit assets
- Male vs. female informal employment as share of total employment
- Married couples jointly share legal responsibility for financially maintaining the family’s expenses
- Married women are required by law to obey their husbands
- Married women can legally confer citizenship to their children in the same way as married men
- Married women can legally confer their citizenship to a non-national spouse in the same way as married men
- Maternal mortality ratioWith SDG Target
- Maternal mortality vs. female labor force participation, United States
- Men and married women have equal ownership rights to property
- Paid leave is available to fathers
- Paid leave of at least 14 weeks available to mothers
- Paid parental leave
- Penalties for authorizing or entering into child or early marriage
- Pension benefits account for periods of absence due to childcare
- People living in countries in which a woman is government's chief executive
- People living in countries in which a woman is head of government
- People living in countries in which a woman is head of state
- Presence of a specialized court or procedure for cases of domestic violence
- Prevalence of female genital mutilation
- Proportion of female employees by economic sector
- Proportion of labor force who are women
- Proportion of women participating in the labor force
- Ratio of female to male labor force participation ratesLine chart
- Representation of women in the lower chamber of parliament
- Representation of women in the upper chamber of parliament
- Retirement age with full pension benefits same for women and men
- Share of day women spend on unpaid domestic and care work
- Share of employed women working in agriculture vs. GDP per capita
- Share of firms with a female top manager
- Share of male vs. female employment in agriculture
- Share of male vs. female employment in industry
- Share of male vs. female employment in services
- Share of population subjected to sexual violence, male vs. female
- Share of senior and middle management positions filled by women
- Share of the population subjected to physical violence, male vs. female
- Share of women in local government
- Share of women in ministerial positions
- Share of women in parliamentIPU
- Share of women in parliamentV-Dem
- Share of women that are expected to die from pregnancy-related causes
- Share of women using modern contraceptive methods
- Share of women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife
- Share of women who experienced violence by an intimate partner
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- Share of women who experienced violence from an intimate partnerUnited Nations
- Share of women who make their own informed health care decisions
- Share of women who report having been victims of forced sex as children
- Share of women who were married by age 15
- Share of women who were married by age 18
- Share of young women who experienced sexual violence as children
- Share who agree with the statement 'when jobs are scarce, men should have more right to a job than women'
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- Spouses have equal legal administrative authority over assets during marriage
- Unadjusted gender gap in median earnings
- Unemployment rate, women
- Unemployment rate, women vs. men
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- Unmet need for contraception among married women of reproductive age
- Urban population vs. female labor force participation rate
- Weekly working hours
- What percentage of the US public approves of working wives?
- Woman is government's chief executive
- Woman is head of government
- Woman is head of state
- Women and men's testimony carries the same evidentiary weight in court
- Women can apply for a passport in the same way as men
- Women can be head of household in the same way as men
- Women can choose where to live in the same way as men
- Women can obtain a judgment of divorce in the same way as men
- Women can obtain a national identity card in the same way as married men
- Women can open a bank account in the same way as men
- Women can sign a contract in the same way as men
- Women can take the same jobs as men
- Women can travel outside the country in the same way as men
- Women can travel outside their home in the same way as men
- Women can work at night in the same way as men
- Women can work in a job deemed dangerous in the same way as men
- Women can work in an industrial job in the same way as men
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- Women participating in decisionmaking vs. children per woman
- Women who make their own informed decisions regarding sexual relations, contraceptive use and reproductive health care
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- Women's political empowerment index
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- Women's political empowerment index vs. electoral democracy index
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