Deaths in conflicts by source, number of deaths
The sources are not directly comparable because they differ in whose deaths they include (military, civilian, or both), and how people died (during fighting, or also due todisease or famine).
All our related research and data
- Death rate from conflict and terrorismIHME, crude
- Death rate from conflict and terrorismIHME, age-standardized
- Death rate in conflicts
- Death rate in conflicts by source
- Death rate in state-based conflicts by conflict type
- Death rates from violence in non-state societies
- Death rates from violence in state societies
- Deaths from conflict and terrorismIHME, GBD
- Deaths in conflicts
- Deaths in state-based conflicts by conflict type
- Deaths in state-based conflicts by world regionUCDP since 1989
- Deaths in state-based conflicts by world region
- Non-state and state-based conflicts
- Number of active United Nations peacekeeping missions
- Share of deaths from violence at prehistoric archaelogical sites
- Share of deaths from violence in non-state societies
- Share of deaths from violence in state societies
- State-based conflicts
- United Nations peacekeepers on active missions
- United Nations peacekeepers on active missions by type