Causes of deaths for 50- to 69-year-olds, World
The estimated annual number of deaths from each cause, among people aged 50–69 years old. Estimates come with wide uncertainties especially for countries withpoor vital registration.
All our related research and data
- Age-standardized death rate from all causes
- Autopsy rate
- Cancer death rate by age group
- Cardiovascular disease death rate by age group
- Causes of deathIHME
- Causes of death
- Causes of death in children under five
- Causes of deaths for 15- to 49-year-oldsIHME
- Causes of deaths for children between 5 and 14
- Causes of deaths for people who were 70 years and older
- Death rate by cause
- Death rate from cardiovascular diseaseIHME, age-standardized
- Death rate from chronic respiratory diseasesIHME, age-standardized
- Death rate from communicable vs. non-communicable diseases
- Death rate from malnutritionIHME, age-standardized
- Death rates through the 20th century
- Deaths by risk factor
- Deaths by risk factor for ages 15-49
- Deaths by risk factor for over 70s
- Deaths by risk factor for under-5s
- Deaths from cardiovascular diseases, by age
- Deaths from protein-energy malnutrition, by age
- Deaths over the 20th century
- Diabetes prevalence in adultsWHO GHO
- Hypertension in adults aged 30-79
- Mortality from non-communicable diseases
- Neonatal deaths by cause
- Number of deaths by age groupBy year
- Obesity in adultsAge-standardized
- Probability of death from any of the top global causes of death
- Respiratory infections death rate
- Road deaths over the long-term
- Share of deaths by cause
- Share of deaths for which the cause is registered
- Share of deaths registered with an ill-defined cause of death
- Share of deaths registered with major causes
- Share of deaths that are registered
- World population living in countries with cause-of-death registration