Active mobile money accounts
The number of customer accounts that have been used to perform at least one mobile money payment during the last 90 days of each year.
All our related research and data
- Adoption of communication technologiesAbsolute numbers
- Adoption of communication technologies per 100 people
- Annual number of human visits to space
- Annual number of objects launched into space
- Chess ability of the best computers
- Computation used to train notable artificial intelligence systems
- Computational capacity of the fastest supercomputers
- Cost of sequencing a full human genome
- Cost of space launches to low Earth orbit
- Cost per billion pairs of DNA sequencing
- GPU computational performance per dollar
- Historical cost of computer memory and storage
- Landline Internet subscriptions
- Landline Internet subscriptions per 100 people
- Landline phone subscriptions
- Landline phone subscriptions per 100 people
- Levelized cost of energy by technology
- Mobile phone subscriptions
- Mobile phone subscriptions per 100 people
- Moore's law: The number of transistors per microprocessor
- Non-commercial flight distance records
- Number of people using the Internet
- Price changes in consumer goods and services in the United States
- Quantum bits per processor
- Registered vehicles per 1,000 people
- Share of US adults who use the Internet, by age
- Share of United States households using specific technologies
- Share of people in range of 4G mobile network
- Share of people who own a mobile phone, by sex
- Share of population in range of mobile network, by capability
- Share of the population using the Internet
- Solar (photovoltaic) panel prices
- Solar (photovoltaic) panel prices vs. cumulative capacity
- Technology and infrastructure diffusion in the United Kingdom
- Technology and infrastructure diffusion in the United States
- The cost of 66 different technologies over time