All our related research and data
- Access to electricity vs. share in extreme poverty
- Annual growth of the income or consumption of the poorest 40%
- Annual growth of the income or consumption of the poorest 40% vs. the total population
- CO₂ emissions per capita vs. share in extreme poverty
- Causes of deathIHME
- Causes of deaths for 15- to 49-year-oldsIHME
- Cereal yield vs. share in extreme poverty
- Child homicide rateUNICEF
- Child homicide rateWHO Mortality Database
- Child mortality vs. health expenditureGapminder
- Child mortality vs. share in extreme poverty
- Children per woman vs. share living in extreme poverty
- Comparison of extreme poverty estimates, World Bank PIP vs. Bradshaw & Mayhew (2011)
- Death rate from indoor air pollution vs. share in extreme poverty
- Death rate from obesityIHME, age-standardized
- Death rate from obesity vs. share of adults who are obese
- Death rate from road injuriesIHME, age-standardized
- Death rate from smokingIHME, age-standardized
- Death rate from unsafe water sources vs. share of population living in extreme poverty
- Deaths from road incidents, by age
- Deaths from road injuriesIHME
- Deaths from road injuriesWHO
- Deaths from secondhand smoke
- Deaths per year, by world region
- Difference between female and male life expectancy at age 45
- Difference between male and female life expectancy
- Difference in female and male life expectancy at birth
- Differences in life expectancy are more regional than national
- Distribution of homicide ratesUNODC
- Distribution of income across richer and poorer groupsWorld Bank
- Distribution of income across richer and poorer groups (after tax)LIS
- Distribution of income across richer and poorer groups (before tax)WID, bars
- Distribution of income across richer and poorer groups (before tax)WID, area
- Distribution of population between different poverty thresholdsfewer thresholds
- Distribution of population between different poverty thresholdsmore thresholds
- Distribution of population between different poverty thresholdsHistorical estimates (Moatsos, 2021)
- Distribution of population between different poverty thresholds
- Energy use per capita vs. share in extreme poverty
- Estimated and projected life expectancy at birth
- Expected years of living with disability or disease burden
- Expected years of schooling vs. share of population in extreme poverty
- Expenditure of the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom
- Extreme poverty and child mortality
- Female and male life expectancy at birth
- Female homicide rateUNODC
- Female homicide victimsUNODC
- Female minus male life expectancy vs. non-communicable disease death rate
- Female-to-male life expectancy ratio
- Future life expectancy projections
- GDP per capitaWorld Bank, constant international-$
- Gender difference in life expectancy
- Gini coefficient: World Inequality Database vs. World Bank
- Global aviation accidents by flight phase
- Global aviation fatalities by flight phase
- Government health expenditure as a share of GDP
- Health expenditure and financing, per capita
- Health insurance coverage in the United States
- Health insurance coverage vs. GDP per capita
- Health spending as a share of total government expenditure
- Healthcare access and quality by level of healthcare spending
- Healthcare expenditure vs. GDP
- Healthy life expectancy and years lived with disability
- Healthy life expectancy vs. health expenditure per capita
- Hidden Hunger Index vs. share in extreme poverty
- Homicide rateUNODC
- Homicide rateIHME
- Homicide rateIHME, age-standardized
- Homicide rateWHO-GHE
- Homicide rateWHO Mortality Database
- Homicide rateWHO Mortality Database, Age-standardized
- Homicide rate across sources
- Homicide rate by age of the victimIHME
- Homicide rate by age of the victimWHO Mortality Database
- Homicide rate from firearmsUNODC
- Homicide rate in 1990 vs. 2020UNODC
- Homicide rate vs. GDP per capitaUNODC
- Homicide rate where the perpetrator is an intimate partnerUNODC
- Homicide rate, IHME vs. WHO Mortality Database
- Homicide rate, UNODC vs. IHME
- Homicide rate, WHO vs. UNODC
- Homicide rate, by sex of the victimUNODC
- HomicidesIHME
- HomicidesWHO-GHE
- HomicidesUNODC
- HomicidesWHO Mortality Database
- Homicides by age of the victimIHME
- Homicides by firearmUNODC
- Homicides, by sex of the victimUNODC
- How does extreme monetary poverty compare to multidimensional poverty?Current estimates
- How much we think we spend on healthcare vs. how much we actually do
- Income inequality vs. GDP per capita
- Income inequality: Gini coefficientWorld Bank
- Income inequality: Gini coefficientWorld Bank, Marimekko
- Income inequality: Gini coefficient (after tax)Chartbook of Economic Inequality
- Income inequality: Gini coefficient (after tax)LIS
- Income inequality: Gini coefficient (before tax)WID
- Income inequality: Gini coefficient before and after taxOECD, line chart
- Income inequality: Gini coefficient before and after taxLIS, line chart
- Income inequality: Gini coefficient before and after taxOECD, scatterplot
- Income inequality: Gini coefficient before and after taxWorld Bank (via UN SDG)
- Income inequality: Gini coefficient before and after taxLIS, scatterplot
- Income inequality: Gini coefficient before and after taxWID, scatterplot
- Income inequality: Gini coefficient in Latin America (after tax)CEDLAS
- Income inequality: Palma ratio (after tax)LIS
- Income inequality: Palma ratio (before tax)WID
- Income or consumption of the poorest 10%World Bank, Marimekko
- Income or consumption of the poorest 10% vs. GDP per capita
- Income or consumption of the poorest 10% vs. mean income
- Income or consumption of the poorest and richest 10%
- Income or consumption of the richest 10%World Bank, Marimekko
- Income or consumption share of the richest 10%World Bank
- Income share of the richest 1% (before tax)WID
- Income share of the richest 1% (before tax)WID, with extrapolations
- Income share of the richest 1% before and after taxWID, scatterplot
- Income share of the richest 1% vs. Gini coefficient (before tax)WID
- Income share of the richest 10% (after tax)LIS
- Income share of the richest 10% (before tax)WID
- Income share of the richest 10% before and after taxWID, scatterplot
- Income share of the richest 10% before and after taxLIS, scatterplot
- Income share of the richest 10% vs. Gini coefficient (before tax)WID
- Inequality in life expectancy vs. health expenditure per capita
- Intensity of multidimensional povertyHarmonized over time estimates
- Intensity of multidimensional povertyCurrent estimates
- Life expectancy
- Life expectancyWorld Bank data
- Life expectancyUN estimates + projections
- Life expectancyUN historical estimates
- Life expectancy at age 15
- Life expectancy at age 15 by sex
- Life expectancy at age 45
- Life expectancy at birthOECD data
- Life expectancy at birth by sex
- Life expectancy at birth, including the UN projections
- Life expectancy by world region
- Life expectancy of women vs. life expectancy of men
- Life expectancy vs. GDP per capitaMaddison
- Life expectancy vs. GDP per capitaWorld Bank
- Life expectancy vs. health expenditure
- Life expectancy vs. health expenditure per capita
- Life expectancy vs. healthcare expenditure
- Life expectancy vs. liberal democracy
- Life satisfaction vs. life expectancy
- Long-term homicide rates across Western Europe
- Male homicide rateUNODC
- Male homicide victimsUNODC
- Male vs. female suicide rateIHME data
- Male vs. female suicide rateWHO data
- Male-to-female ratio of suicide rateIHME data
- Male-to-female ratio of suicide rateWHO data
- Mean body mass index (BMI) in men
- Mean body mass index (BMI) in women
- Mean income or consumption per dayMarimekko
- Mean income or consumption per day2017 Int-$
- Mean income or consumption per day vs. GDP per capita
- Mean vs. median income or consumptionWorld Bank
- Median age
- Median and mean income (after tax)LIS
- Median income or consumption per day
- Median income or consumption per day
- Median income or consumption per day vs. GDP per capita
- Motor vehicle, motorcyclist, cyclist and pedestrian deaths
- Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)Harmonized over time estimates
- Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)Current estimates
- National poverty line vs. GDP per capitaBy income group
- National poverty line vs. GDP per capita
- National poverty line vs. mean daily income or consumption
- National poverty line vs. median income or consumption per day
- Net official development assistance to medical research and basic health sectors
- Number of cigarettes smoked per smoker per day
- Number of current smokers
- Number of deaths from smoking in 1990 vs. 2019
- Number of income/consumption surveys in the past decade available via the World Bank
- Number of people living in extreme povertyStacked area chart
- Number of people living in extreme povertyLine chart
- Number of people living in extreme poverty by region'Cost of basic needs' approach, Historical estimates (Moatsos, 2021)
- Number of people living in extreme poverty by regionHistorical estimates (Moatsos, 2021)
- Number of reported road incidents
- Number of suicide from firearms
- Number of suicide from pesticide poisoning
- Number of suicidesIHME data
- Number of suicidesWHO data
- Number of suicides, by ageIHME data, since 1990
- Obesity in adultsCrude rate
- Obesity in adultsAge-standardized
- Obesity in men vs. women
- Out-of-pocket expenditure per capita on healthcare
- Percentage of people without health insurance in the United States
- Percentage of population covered by health insurance
- Poverty gap index at $2.15 per day
- Poverty: Share of population living on less than $1 a day
- Poverty: Share of population living on less than $10 a dayLine chart
- Poverty: Share of population living on less than $10 a dayMarimekko
- Poverty: Share of population living on less than $3.65 a day
- Poverty: Share of population living on less than $30 a day
- Poverty: Share of population living on less than $40 a day
- Poverty: Share of population living on less than $6.85 a day
- Prevalence of daily smoking in populations
- Prevalence of undernourishment vs. share in extreme poverty
- Prevalence of underweight children vs. share in extreme poverty
- Prevalence vs. intensity of multidimensional povertyCurrent estimates
- Private health expenditure per person
- Public expenditure on healthcare as percent of total healthcare expenditure
- Public health insurance coverage in Western Europe
- Reduction in income inequality before and after taxOECD
- Relative poverty: Share of people below 40% of median income
- Relative poverty: Share of people below 50% of median income
- Relative poverty: Share of people below 60% of median income
- Road incident death rate by age
- Road incident death rate vs. GDP per capita
- Road mortality rate, IHME vs. WHO data
- Road traffic deaths
- Share in extreme poverty vs. life expectancy at birth
- Share in extreme poverty vs. poverty gap index
- Share in extreme poverty: Cost of basic needs approach vs. living on less than $1.90 a dayHistorical estimates (Moatsos, 2021)
- Share in poverty relative to different poverty thresholdsHistorical estimates (Moatsos, 2021)
- Share in poverty relative to different poverty thresholds
- Share in poverty vs. educational attainment
- Share in poverty vs. life expectancy
- Share living on less than $6.85 a day vs. mean income or consumption
- Share of adult men overweight or obese vs. daily supply of calories
- Share of adult women overweight or obese vs. daily caloric supply
- Share of adults that are obese vs. GDP per capita
- Share of adults that are overweight or obese
- Share of adults who smoke in 2000 vs. 2018
- Share of children and adolescents that are overweight or obese
- Share of children that are overweight or obese
- Share of children who are overweight
- Share of deaths attributed to obesity
- Share of deaths from homicideWHO Mortality Database
- Share of deaths from suicide
- Share of deaths that are attributed to smoking
- Share of government consumption in GDP vs. share of population living in extreme poverty
- Share of gross national income donated toward poverty reduction
- Share of gross national income from poverty reduction grants
- Share of men and women expected to survive to the age of 65
- Share of men defined as underweight, healthy, overweight and obese
- Share of men that are obese
- Share of men that are overweight or obese
- Share of men with raised blood pressure
- Share of out-of-pocket expenditure on healthcare
- Share of out-of-pocket expenditure vs. GDP per capita
- Share of overweight men vs. women
- Share of people at risk of falling into poverty if payment for surgical care is required
- Share of population below and above $30 per dayStacked bar: Above/below $30 per day
- Share of population in multidimensional povertyHarmonized over time estimates
- Share of population in multidimensional povertyCurrent estimates
- Share of population in multidimensional poverty: Urban vs. ruralCurrent estimates
- Share of population in multidimensional poverty: Urban vs. ruralHarmonized over time estimates
- Share of population living below national poverty lines
- Share of population living in extreme poverty'Cost of basic needs' approach, Historical estimates (Moatsos, 2021), Line chart
- Share of population living in extreme poverty'Cost of basic needs' approach, Historical estimates (Moatsos, 2021), Stacked area chart
- Share of population living in extreme povertyHistorical estimates (Moatsos, 2021), Stacked area chart
- Share of population living in extreme povertyHistorical estimates (Moatsos, 2021), Line chart
- Share of population living in extreme povertyMarimekko
- Share of population living in extreme povertyLine chart
- Share of population living in extreme poverty vs. GDP per capita
- Share of population living in extreme poverty vs. mean income or consumption per day
- Share of population living with less than $2.15 and $3.65 per day
- Share of population with very large expenditures on health
- Share of population within different income thresholdsStacked bar: Above/below $30 per day
- Share of suicides from pesticide poisoning
- Share of the population at risk of catastrophic expenditure when surgical care is required
- Share of tobacco in total household consumption
- Share of women defined as underweight, healthy, overweight or obese
- Share of women expected to survive to the age of 65
- Share of women that are obese
- Share of women that are overweight or obese
- Share of women with raised blood pressure
- Share vs. intensity of multidimensional povertyHarmonized over time estimates
- Share who use tobacco
- Smoking death rate in 1990 vs. 2019
- Suicide death rateIHME data
- Suicide rateIHME data, age-standardized
- Suicide rateWHO data
- Suicide rateWHO data, age-standardized
- Suicide rate by firearm
- Suicide rate in 1990 vs. 2019IHME data
- Suicide rate in 2000 vs. 2019WHO data
- Suicide rate vs. death rate from violenceIHME
- Suicide rate vs. income inequality
- Suicide rate, by ageIHME data
- Suicide rate, by ageWHO data
- Suicide rate, by age
- Suicide rate, by sexWHO data
- Suicide rates among young people
- Tax revenue per capita and public health spending per capita
- The poverty gap
- The share and number of people living in extreme poverty
- Three metrics of inequality
- Threshold income for each decile (after tax)LIS
- Threshold income for each decile (before tax)WID
- Total health expenditure per person
- Total healthcare expenditure as a share of GDP
- Total population living in extreme poverty by world region
- US healthcare expenditure
- Vaccination coverage vs. share in extreme poverty
- Wealth share of the richest 1%WID
- Wealth share of the richest 10%WID
- Women's life expectancy at birth
- World population living in extreme povertyWorld Bank & Bourguignon and Morrisson
- Years lived with disability vs. health expenditure per capita